Maria Sabaté Dalmau
Maria Sabaté-Dalmau (MA in Linguistic Anthropology, UofT; BA, MA and PhD in English Philology, UAB) is Associate professor at the University of Lleida, where she conducts critical sociolinguistic ethnographic research on mobility, multilingualism, and transnational linguistic practices and identities in institutional and non-institutional settings. She is President of the Catalan Sociolinguistics Society of the Institute of Catalan Studies, and associate editor of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language and of the editorial board of Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana. She has participated in more than 15 (inter)-nationally funded research projects and is currently PI of CLA. Her publications in indexed journals and top-ranked publishing houses are available at https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6058-7227, and include the monograph Migrant Communication Spaces: Regimentation and Resistance (Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2014).
- Multilingual and multiliteracy practices and ideologies, including Englishisation
- Mobilities, migrations and transnational identity-making processes in contemporary societies and institutions
- The globalised new economy, neoliberalism and social inequality
- Critical sociolinguistic ethnographic methods and praxis
Llibres/libros/Books (to 2024):
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2014). Migrant communication enterprises: Regimentation and esistance. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Capítols de llibre/capítulos de libro/book chapters (2018-2024):
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M., & Flubacher, M-C. (Under review). Political Economy. In A. Del Percio & M-C. Flubacher (Eds.), Monica Heller: Critical sociolinguistic dialogues: The constitution of a field (pp. 97-115). Bloomsbury. Series “Advances in Sociolinguistics”.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M., & Sorolla, N. (Under review). Problematising academic journals’ evaluation systems: A case-study approach to Sociolinguistics databases indexing for medium-sized languages. In J. Soler & K. Kaufhold (Eds.), Language and the knowledge economy in the European context: Sociolinguistic perspectives. Routledge English for Research Publication Purposes.
- Moncada-Comas, B., & Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2024). The role of multimodal competence in ‘doing EMI lecturing’: Exploring the effectiveness of non-linguistic resources in EMI. In V. Beltrán-Palanques & E. Bernad-Mechó (Eds., Current trends in EMI and Multimodality in Higher Education (pp. 96-129). Routledge Series in Language and Content Integrated Teaching & Plurilingual Education.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2023). Migrants’ ICT-Mediated Communication Strategies and Subversive Multilingual Practices. In S. Issel-Dombert & I. Andrés Soria (Eds), Language, migration and multilingualism in the age of digital humanities (pp. 31-50). Walter de Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110746082-003.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2021). Navegar en el “llenguatge inclusiu” institucional: una mirada crítica des de l’antropologia lingüística. In C. Junyent (ed.), Som dones, som lingüistes, som moltes i diem prou. Prou textos incoherents i confuses. Canviem el món i canviarà la llengua (pp. 107-109). Eumo.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2021). Selling identity stereotypes: The market construction of migrants’ immobilities in advertising discourse. In G. Mazzaferro & A. De Fina (Eds.), Exploring (Im)mobilities. Language Practices, Discourses, Imaginaries and Narratives (pp. 87-115). Multilingual Matters.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2021). Ens cal desemmascarar les accions de governança neoliberal: Reflexions entorn de l’exclusió lingüística imposada “des de dalt”. In C. Junyent (ed.), El català, llengua effervescent: 77 visions sobre el terreny (pp. 147-149). Carta Blanca.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2020). Whispers of resistance to EMI policies: The management of Englishisation through alternative local multilingual practices and dissenting identities. In D. Block & S. Khan (Eds.), The secret life of English-medium instruction in higher education: Examining microphenomena in context (pp. 147-149). Series Routledge Focus on English Medium Instruction in Higher Education.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2018). Presents i futurs de la mobilitat i la internacionalització a les universitats catalanes (opuscule). In J. M. Cots (ed.), Visions de la mobilitat universitària a Catalunya (pp. 65-67). Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2018). Multilingualism in migrant-tailored businesses: The case of telecommunications multinationals and “ethnic” call shops. In A. Creese & A. Blackledge (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook on Language and Superdiversity (pp. 361-376). Routledge.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M,. Garrido-Sardà, M. R., & Codó, E. (2017). Language-mediated services for migrants: Monolingualist institutional regimes and translinguistic user practices. In S. Canagarajah (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook for Migration and Language (pp. 558-576). Routledge.
Articles/artículos (revisats per parells/revisión por pares/peer-reviewed) (2018-2024):
· Sabaté-Dalmau, M., Cots, J.M., & Frumuselu, A. (2024). The challenges of the Internationalisation of the Curriculum: A pedagogical intervention to promote interculturality and plurilingualism in English-Medium Instruction. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/17501229.2024.2395417
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2024). Political protest landscapes in Catalonia: language choice, utopian/dystopian discourse and “Catalans”-“Spaniards” identities. Social Semiotics, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/10350330.2024.2375067
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M., & Moncada-Comas, B. (2023). Exploring the affordances of multimodal competence, multichannel awareness and plurilingual lecturing in EMI. System, 118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2023.103161
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2022). ‘Localizing English in town’: A Linguistic Landscape project for a Critical Linguistics Education on multilingualism’. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(2), 1-17. 10.1080/13670050.2022.2067978.
- Duchêne, A., Ellece, S. E., Tupas, R., Sabaté-Dalmau, M., Unamuno, V., & Urla, J. (2021). Welcome on board! Prefiguring knowledge production in the Sociology of language. Special Issue International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 3(8), 267-268. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijsl-2021-2121
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2020). Neoliberal language policies and linguistic entrepreneurship in Higher Education: Lecturers’ perspectives. Language, Culture and Society, 2(2), 175-197. https://doi.org/10.1075/lcs.19018.dal
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2020). Hidden language ‘battles’ in the diaspora: Attitudes towards home and host languages among Pakistanis in Barcelona. In L. Wang & F. Coulmas (Eds.), Language and Communication of Asian Diaspora Communities in the West. Special Issue in Journal of Asian Pacific Communication.1-23. https://doi.org/10.1075/japc.00065.dal
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2019). Marketing university students as mobile multilingual workers: the emergence of neoliberal lifestylers. Special issue in International Journal of Multilingualism, 17(1), 11-29. https://doi.org/10.1080/14790718.2020.1682246
- Garrido-Sardà, M. R., & Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2019). Transnational trajectories of multilingual workers: Sociolinguistic constructions of entrepreneurial selves. Special Issue in International Journal of Multilingualism, 17(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1080/14790718.2019.1682245
- Torres-Oliva, M., & Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2018). Identidades, ideologías y prácticas lingüísticas del alumnado de primaria en el Valle de Benasque: miradas monolingües. Luenga y Fablas, 22, 89-106.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2018). Undocumented migration, informal economic work and peripheral multilingualism: Challenges to neoliberal regimes?. Language and Intercultural Communication, 18(4), 362-376. https://doi.org/10.1080/14708477.2018.1478848
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2018). ‘I speak small’: unequal Englishes and transnational identities among Ghanaian migrants. International Journal of Multilingualism, 15(4): 365-382. https://doi.org/10.1080/14790718.2018.1428329.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2018). Exploring the interplay between narrative and ethnography: A critical sociolinguistic approach to migrant stories of disemplacement. In A. Patiño-Santos (Ed.), Storytelling in globalized spaces: A linguistic ethnographic perspective. Special Issue in International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2018 (250), 35-58. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijsl-2017-0054. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ijsl.ahead-of-print/ijsl-2017-0054/ijsl-2017-0054.xml.
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M. (2018). Migrants’ minority-language newspeakerism: The pervasiveness of nation-state monolingual regimes in transnational contexts. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 22, 5-28. https://doi.org/10.1111/josl.12270
- Torres Oliva, María. 18 October 2016. Análisis de las prácticas, ideologías e identidades lingüísticas del alumnado del Valle de Benasque. Master’s Final Project, Master’s Degree in Applied Languages, UdL.
- Terré i Isart, Gisela. 17 July 2013. Memòria de pràctiques de l’estada a Plataforma per la Llengua. Postgraduate Final Project, UOC.
- Joan Marí, Maria del Mar. 9 July 2012. El context sociolingüístic del col·lectiu xinès a l’illa d’Eivissa: Ideologies lingüístiques i usos del Català. Postgraduate Final Project, UOC
- Pi Murugó, Anna. 6 September 2011. Identitats transnacionals: els immigrants catalans, la llengua, i la cultura catalana Mèxic avui (2011). Postgraduate Final Project, UOC.
- Massaguer Comes, Marina. 18 July 2011. L’ús i el rol del català a la comunitat gitana de la part alta de Tarragona: pràctiques i actituds lingüístiques d’un grup d’adolescents. Postgraduate Final Project, UOC.
Research Projects
From January 2017
- Towards an empirical assessment of the impact of English-medium instruction at university: language learning, disciplinary knowledge and academic identities (ASSEMID). MINECO, Reference: FFI2016-76383-P. Timeframe: 3 years, 30 December 2016-29 December 2019. Principal investigators: David Block (1) & Guzman Mancho (2) (Universitat de Lleida). Researchers on the project: 8. Funding: €50,000. Participation: Full-time researcher.
- Cercle de lingüísticaaplicada (CLA). Departament d’Economia i Coneixement (Generalitat de Catalunya. 2014 SGR 1061 (GRC). Timeframe: 2 years, 2014-Summer 2016. Principal Investigator: Enric Llurda Giménez (Universitat de Lleida). Partners on project: 10. Funding: €36,000.
- Multilingüismo y Movilidad: Prácticas lingüísticas i construcción de identidad. MINECO, Reference: FFI2011-26964. Timeframe: 4 years (extended until 31 december 2016). Principal Investigator: Melissa G. Moyer (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Partners on the project: 8. Funding: €52,030.
- The Management of Multilingualism in Institutional Settings. MICINN, Plan Nacional de la Ciencia. Reference: HUM2007-61864/FILO. Timeframe: 2007-2010. Principal investigator: Malissa G. Moyer.
See Maria’s CV.