Anna Marsol
Anna Marsol (PhD in Applied Linguistics, Universitat de Barcelona) is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Universitat de Lleida. She teaches different subjects on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) didactics both at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. Her research interests include CLIL classroom interaction and teacher input quality in instructed settings, the development of global competence in children and teenagers as well as the impact of peer observation and peer feedback in initial teacher training.
She is currently a member of the research project funded by the Catalan Agency for University and Research Grants (AGAUR), titled “Reflective Practice in Language Teaching: Transforming Teaching Practices through Peer Observation and Feedback in Initial Teacher Training in English” (ARMIF 00005 2023), which aims to improve the quality of pre-service teacher education in Catalonia.
Capítols de llibre/capítulos de libro/book chapters (2018-2024):
- Marsol, A. (2024). “‘Let me speak’: A study of primary education learners’ opportunities for oral production in CLIL and EFL classroom contexts”. In V. Zorbas (ed.), Dialogues on Teaching and Learning in Multicultural and Multilingual Environments. Nova Science Publishers.
- Vraciu, A., Marsol, A., i Casanovas, M. (2023). “El desenvolupament de la CDD al màster de formació del professorat de la UdL”. Dins R. Palau Martin i J. Mogas Recalde (eds.), La competència digital docent al màster de formació del professorat de les universitats de Catalunya (45-53). Octaedro.
Articles/artículos (revisats per parells/revisión por pares/peer-reviewed) (2018-2024):
- Vraciu, A., & Marsol, A. (2023). “Content-specific vocabulary in CLIL: Exploring L2 learning outcomes in a primary education programme in Catalonia”. Language Teaching Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/13621688231170073
- Tragant, E., Marsol, A., Serrano, R. & Llanes, À. (2015). Vocabulary learning at primary school: a comparison of EFL and CLIL. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 579-591. https://doi-org/10.1080/13670050.2015.1035227
Degree in Primary Education:
- Introduction to English language and its didactics
- Content and Language Integrated Learning in Primary Education (English minor)
Master’s degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training and Language Teaching:
- Teacher input and classroom interaction in EFL and CLIL contexts