Júlia Calvet Terré
Júlia Calvet-Terré obtained her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Universitat de Lleida. Her research focuses on non-native English teachers and ideologies and attitudes towards English as a Lingua Franca in higher education. Currently, she is involved in the project titled “Development of language ideologies in the training of pre-service English language teachers from an ELF perspective”.
Her research interests focus on non-native teachers in TESOL, as well as the attitudes and ideologies surrounding ELF. She has been involved in two research projects: one dealing with the development of disciplinary literacies at the university level, and the other focusing on fostering language ideologies and ELF awareness among pre-service English teachers, a project that is currently in progress.
Capítols de llibre/capítulos de libro/book chapters:
- Llurda, E., & Calvet-Terré, J. (in press). Native-speakerism. In H. Nesi, & P. Milin (Eds.). International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition. Elsevier.
- Llurda, E., & Calvet-Terré, J. (in press). Language teacher nativeness/non-nativeness: A systematic review. In Z. Tajeddin, & T.S.C. Farrell (Eds.). Handbook of Language Teacher Education: Critical Review and Research Synthesis. Springer.
- Calvet-Terré, J., & Llurda, E. (in press). Native-speakerism in Catalan private language schools: Recruiters’ perspectives. In E. Llurda (Ed.), Dismantling the native speaker construct in English language teaching. Routledge.
Articles/artículos (revisats per parells/revisión por pares/peer-reviewed)
- Llurda, E., & Calvet-Terré, J. (2024). Native-speakerism and non-native second language teachers: A research agenda. Language Teaching, 57(2), 229-245. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444822000271.
- Calvet-Terré, J., & Llurda, E. (2023). Ideologies and attitudes of Spanish pre-service teachers on ELF. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 12(1), 91-116. https://doi.org/10.1515/jelf-2023-2004.
Undergraduate level
English II in BA in Tourism / Double BA: Degree in Business Administration and Management and Degree in Tourism / Double BA: Degree in Geography and Degree in Tourism.